How to recognize a helminth infection

Parasites can be called natural companions of humans, because these creatures can not live outside the body of the host. It is believed that at least 70% of the world's population is infected with various types of helminths. Moreover, many people are almost home from birth. At the same time, he is thinking about how to detect the presence of parasites in the body, which is about a third of all infections. This is due to low public awareness or lack of interest in their health status.

created the human parasite

It is important to recognize the infection in time to prevent complications caused by parasites.

According to statistics, more than 60% of people with parasitic infections learn about the problem by chance, and only about 30% purposefully look for signs of helminthiasis and consult a specialist to diagnose the problem.

Until recently, helminthiasis was commonly referred to as a disease of the poor because of poor hygiene skills. However, with increasing interest in the problem, science has found that such a definition is fundamentally wrong, because worms can be found in both peasants and respected businessmen.

Why is it dangerous to live with parasites?

If many people do not have any serious health problems, why don't they understand that they should be tested for parasites? If it does not interfere with your normal lifestyle, why look for any disorder in your state? Moreover, 8% of the population has a reasonable question - what if the human body has learned to be parasitic? After all, evolution does not stand still, and what was once considered harmful may become the norm.

weakened immunity as a cause of parasite proliferation

Similar questions have been raised several times, and any doctor, even the most inexperienced, will say that a parasitic organism is different from a symbiont (a microorganism that is peacefully present in humans, for example, helps to process and assimilate food more efficiently). ) that receives more than it gives. Parasites in the human body generally act as very unreliable and irresponsible hosts:

  • cover it with toxins and slag;
  • to destroy natural protection (immunity);
  • take most of the nutrients;
  • damage to internal organs at the physical level.
toxins in the body in the presence of parasites

This is what is called parasitism, that is, being in the body of the host in order to get the maximum benefit for himself, without benefiting the owner.

Timely detection of parasites helps to avoid many problems, including severe endocrine and hormonal disorders, internal organ dysfunction and even mental disorders.

What are the symptoms of parasites?

Most parasitic life forms that are dangerous to humans live in the intestines and internal organs. They rarely come out in their original form, and therefore at the initial diagnosis the doctor takes into account only the external signs of their stay. Their presence can be determined by a combination of clinical manifestations.

fecal problems with parasites in the body

In 99% of cases, the host's body reacts violently to a dangerous neighborhood. Signs of worm infection can be various disorders of the body, depending on the organ in which they live. As parasites can be difficult to detect in their natural form, the following symptoms should be considered:

  1. Sudden onset of digestive disorders. Often they show that the intestinal forms of helminths - round and tapeworms, lamblia and protozoal organisms - have begun to parasitize. This group of symptoms can be expressed by sudden constipation or diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, belching, poor digestion. Another symptom of intestinal helminthiasis is indeterminate abdominal pain, which may not have a clear localization.
  2. Allergic reactions in the form of rash, peeling of the skin, the appearance of spots. In most cases, it is not possible to find the source of such a reaction, because tests for allergens show negative results. And only after being tested for the presence of parasites in the patient's body, it becomes clear what causes an atypical immune reaction.
  3. skin rash with parasites
  4. Deterioration of general well-being in the form of febrile conditions, fatigue, deterioration of sleep quality. Similar clinical manifestations of helminthiasis appear immediately after invasion, as well as with its long-term course. Since parasites cannot be identified immediately, many patients try to cope with these adverse events with the help of folk remedies and symptomatic medications. As a rule, they bring only temporary relief.

A certain group of symptoms specific to diseases associated with worm infections can be found only in women. Thus, their hair and nails become dull and brittle. The skin also suffers from parasites - pale, pustules, wet spots, peeling appear.

A rare woman associates cosmetic problems with helminths. Most say to the end: "I have a vitamin deficiency, hormonal imbalance, no worms! "

hair and nail problems with parasites

If you have the slightest doubt about the presence of parasites in the body, how do you know exactly what caused them to form? There are many self-diagnostic methods at home, as well as special methods for identifying worms.

How to diagnose helminthiasis at home

About 70% of patients who think they have helminths do not want to see a doctor. And the point here is not that people do not pay attention to their health. Until now, people consider helminthiasis to be a shameful disease that can occur only in the lower strata of the population. However, experts say that quite prosperous people can settle in an insidious way.

Since most helminths are located in the intestines, the only way to detect their presence is to examine their feces. This time-tested method provided the basis for microscopic examination of feces, during which the doctor could detect worm eggs.

container for checking for parasites

This is the simplest and cheapest method and can be done at home. However, due to their microscopic size, it will not allow the detection of worm eggs.

How does self-testing work?

There are several rules for determining the presence of parasites in the human body in this way:

  1. The stool should be checked several times, because the worms are not constant, they come out from time to time. Because different types of worms are active at different times of the day, it is worth collecting both morning and evening portions of feces. In the morning you will find pinworms, and in the evening you will often come across larger worms - roundworms and tapeworms.
  2. The person checking for helminths in the stool should wear disposable medical gloves. Most helminths actively secrete eggs, which can lead to re-infection if ingested. Even if you already have signs of worm infestation, it is important to protect yourself from it. After using the gloves, discard them and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  3. gloves when giving feces to parasites
  4. It is worth using an object when examining feces, because parasites can be found not only on the surface, but also in the center of the feces. It is recommended to throw a stick or spatula after such use.

Finally, the most important rule for worms is to study the feces itself. It is advisable to collect the material in a separate container, as it is not possible to check it carefully in the toilet bowl or pot. As a last resort, you can cover the toilet bowl with plastic, empty it and then carefully examine the stool.

Experts recommend applying a small amount of the material to the glass and then inspecting it from all sides in good lighting. Thus, even the smallest parasites can be seen.

examination of feces for parasites

Results of fecal self-examination for worms

If it can be found in the feces, it is necessary to talk about the fact that the helminthiasis is 100%:

  • live or immobile small worms;
  • white or yellowish slices that look like boiled noodles with a slightly wavy edge;
  • fragments resembling mobile grain grains;
  • large round worms in white or pink.

All of these symptoms indicate an infection with a dangerous worm that can cause serious health problems, including sudden death. However, if the stool is "clean" and there are signs of helminthiasis, you should immediately contact an infectious disease specialist or pediatrician (if the child shows signs of helminthiasis).

pinworms from the human body

Tests for worms in the clinic

Since it is very difficult to find out whether there are parasites in the body alone, and the results of self-diagnosis are not very accurate, you should entrust the diagnosis to professionals. Necessary tests are sent by a doctor or infectious disease specialist. If the child is worried about the symptoms of the invasion, you can seek help from a pediatrician.

To make an accurate diagnosis, you must:

  • microscopic analysis of feces (coproovoscopy) - preferably three times a week;
  • scratching for enterobiosis;
  • Blood test for ELISA - one delivery is enough to make a reliable diagnosis;
  • Fecal analysis is performed when PCR - uncertain results of microscopic examination of feces.
blood test for parasites

Also, your doctor may prescribe additional instrumental diagnostics. This most often occurs when there is a suspicion of helminths in the liver parenchyma and bile ducts or other internal organs. In the presence of worms, the tests will be positive (materials will contain parasitic eggs, their DNA, antibodies and antigens against them).

Based on the results of the diagnosis, the patient is almost always prescribed treatment that can be performed at home (many parasitic infections do not require hospitalization). Therapy may be required for all family members of the worm carrier, as many of these species are easily transmitted from person to person.